Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas cookies and shopping!

I had an awesome weekend in Dryden! Finished all my shopping except last minute stuff like sock chocolates and lotto stuff. Mom and I made ginger sparkles and some other tasties for christmas. MMMmmmMMM they were sooooo good! Mom brought home some kind of candy-like graham bar from the brownie christmas party. I'm so getting the recipe from her when she gets it from the other lady, it was omg so very good.

Kailee and I had a good talk about Abby cat. He's pushing 18 (I think) now and can't hear, or see, or jump... It's time to say goodbye I think. He hardly eats at all and he's a little skeleton ;( I feel bad for her, and Abby, it's hard for her to accept that her first cat is going to die soon and that the decision may need to be made for him. As pet owners, we have to take responsibility for their quality of life and need to recognize when that quality of life is gone. I'm starting to consider when enough is enough for Misty. I don't think it's time for her yet, she still has lots of fun. But her hearing and sight are going quickly, she spooks very easily no matter what you do or how you approach her. We'll see how things progress though. I'm not sure if I want to get her teeth done or not. I don't really see the benefits outweighing the risks and money involved.

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