Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas tree and cookies!

I made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies last night while Terence had to work late. He was very happy to see the cookies when he got home :)

My methotrexate was pretty mild today. I didn't really feel any side effects at all I think. Yay for no yuckies!

I watered and misted the hibiscus, polka dot plants and the ficus alii today. I took some slips from the red polka dot plant for Kailee, we'll see how they grow. If they root, I'll cut some from the pink and white and maybe give it to her for christmas in a nice pot.

We decorated the tree and house today. Carmel's going to be a handful when it comes to the tree heh. She's already taken two of the ornaments and ran around the living room with them. I'm quite sure the tree will end up on it's side repeatedly but that's why I only have a 4 foot tree lol. I'm going to have to wrap some presents tomorrow, the tree looks bare without them underneath. I think this is going to be a good christmas this year :)

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