Thursday, February 28, 2008

So tired...

The past few days has been really hard on me. Monday went well at the doctor and physio's place. My follow up appt went very well. Dr. Fidler says the methotrexate seems to be holding well. I've been off the prednisone for over a week now. I still get little twinges here and there but I think this might work for a while. I didn't shop much, just bought some books and some planting materials.

My new job is awesome! This is going to be so easy :) I'm even able to teach my teachers stuff like how to search on the computer and accpacc lol. I really like Laurie as a teacher, Evangeline is a bit of a flake and very slow but I guess it won't matter in a few weeks as I'll be replacing both of them. Teddy seems to remind me lots of Annabelle heh, but maybe a little more easy to tame. Hopefully, I can keep her on track with spending, the budget there is way bigger than PAL's ever was so it should be ok.

Only 6 more days with Candace! I'm so glad! ;)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

transplanting and growth

I transplanted the Ficus Benjamina and the German Ivy. Both seem to be doing well. I lost the plant that I got from the restaurant, the frost was too much for it. The hibiscus seems to be doing better, it's got some new growth coming. Hopefully, it's adjusted to being by the heater and it'll be ok. I think I'll transplant the grape ivy next. It's still in it's original pot from 6 years ago and probably is in dire need of some new dirt. Other than that, all the plants are doing very well, lots of new growth on the polkas and datura. I think I'll post some pics of the datura on the ubc website. Mom seems to think it's not a datura like she originally thought. Maybe they can confirm one way or another and if it's not, help me identify it.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Eclipse and ngfc new job!

Last night was a very nice show. A lunar eclipse on a full moon. We didn't get to see much of a blood moon though. It must have been cloudy around us. An article I found on NASA's website details what causes a blood moon or Hunter's moon as it's called in some parts of the world.

NASA article on Blood Moon

I found out when the next total solar eclipse is for North America, lol August of 2017. Terence said we could go but it's so long into the future that I'll just put it into the back of my head and forget about it for a little while at least. It would be a neat family trip to take into the states. It's also right around Gencon time so that would be convenient if we're still going to that for our vacations.

I got my job at the NGFC! It's $20 per hour for my probation and $22 after that. I'm very excited about it, I start on Tuesday. It will be good to get away from Candace. I've had enough of her bullshit. I do have to ask Teddy about Gencon in August though. I'd imagine it will be fine. I will offer to work some Fridays to make up for the hours. I think if I ask for Wednesday to Monday off, that's not too much to ask for (only three days when you take into account I get Fridays off)

Monday, February 18, 2008

T4s, Deer and Family Day

Mom's T4s are done. (one more thing off my long list of crap to do) Yay! I brought them up to Dryden today and had a nice visit with the family. We went to Tacotime for a bite to eat and poor Kailee didn't eat much lol. Her morning sickness is more like all-day sickness.

After Mom and Dad went to bed, I was watching TV with the lights off and was treated to a wildlife display outside the living room window. Five deer came to the feeder and snacked on the sunflower seeds while I watched in awe. I tried to snap some pictures but am not sure how they will turn out as the lighting was pretty much non-existent. We'll see though, I hope at least one or two turned out. They were very tame and allowed me to get right up close to the glass without spooking much at all. The one doe was very agressive towards the other doe and her fawn. I think there was a bit of a territorial issue going on there.

I forgot my brace for my wrist for sleeping which sucks, but I wonder if the damn thing makes it worse anyways. I don't think it fits quite right. I feel like I'm gripping it in my sleep trying to change the position of it. I'll ask them next week whether or not it needs adjusting.

I'm really getting discouraged at work. For the most part, I just really feel like I don't fit in. I try and try to have conversations with customers and my co-workers and it just never comes out right. I fumble on what to say, I speak too softly and half the time they can't hear me or don't understand. I wish I wasn't so nervous all the time. I really wish I had got that job at the NGFC. Everything happens for a reason though and I'd imagine there's a good one for me not getting it. I just can't think of one right now. Ah well. Maybe a greenhouse will open up and I'll get a job there lol. We all need our dreams though, so I'll keep that one nestled safely in the back of my thoughts where no one can dash it to pieces. Back with my garden and paludarium and my cat sanctuary. Someday...

Tomorrow is lolFamily Day. What a joke of a holiday. I lost my floater so they could create a fake holiday in the middle of the coldest month of the year. I'm so not impressed with the Government on this one. I would have rather worked and picked when I wanted my floater.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Yes I'll say it one more time so it can sink in real slow.... Baby... My sister is going to have a baby... Not sure if that's a yay or a OMGWTF thing. We'll see, I'm suspecting it will be a good thing but ya never know.

Found a fun little game online about geography. Link for it is:

Fun with world geography

I think my plant from the restaurant might, and that's a huge might, live. It's growing small root tendrils and some of the leaves have a small amount of greenness still. I'm hoping really lots that it survives. It's a nice little plant and I was very glad when the lady said I could have some.

I did my interview today and it went awesome! I'm so very glad it did. The questions were super easy, and I really liked the people. One of them is Terence's second cousin so that might be a good thing. I get my answer on Friday. ::fingers crossed::

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

weekend fun and ngfc

The weekend was pretty good. We went to Dryden to pick up Mom's T4s and to have a visit. Saturday night, we went to the Queen St. Station to play pool and listen to the karaoke singers. Mom's friend, Charles, won the karaoke contest (could be because she voted for him 10 times lol) Mom, Dad and Terence had a little too much fun (beer) so I drove home. Kailee and I were the only sober ones as Stewart declined to join us. Sometimes that guy drives me nuts. He phoned my cell, Dad's cell and the house repeatedly after she asked him if he wanted to join us. Why not come with us instead of repeatedly phoning a bazillion times trying to get her to come home. Jealousy is a huge relationship killer, I hope he realizes that. What makes me really laugh, is he's worried about her hanging around her family. What happens if she makes some new friends??? Ah well, enough bitching about Stewart.

Dad, Terence and I went for breakfast on Sunday. I got a new plant from the restaurant :) Unfortunately, I think it may have gotten frostbite on the way into the house as the doors were frozen and we were outside for a good 3 or 4 minutes before we got inside :( We'll see though. I hope at least a small piece lives.

The NGFC called me and requested an interview tomorrow YAYAYAY! I'm so excited and hope hope hope that I get the position.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

NGFC, clean up and plants

I called the Nishnawbe-Gamik Friendship Centre and confirmed that they received my application (yay they did, and Teddy sounded very friendly on the phone!) I should know something by the 14th (sweethearts day :D maybe my love will bring me luck) It made me feel so good to hear from her that they were probably interested and that they received it, especially after work. I just really can't be bothered to put effort into BMO any more. Candace just keeps dishing it out left right and centre for the stupidest reasons.

Of course, because I was upset because of work, I went on a bit of a cleaning spree lol. Two loads of laundry and vaccuuming done, I might have to clean out the dresser and the closet just to make me feel good though. It's about the only thing that I appreciate about getting upset, it makes me want to clean! I like the results, just not how they were produced.

I'm going to check all the plants this evening, too. I'll report in later which were watered and which were left.

Edit: The plants are doing good. I watered all of them except the String of Pearls, Ficus Alii, the prayer plant and the African Violet.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I figured out the camera!

Yay for new pictures! I got the camera to talk to the laptop properly, turns out I was missing a driver. I inserted the XP home disc and voila! Unfortunately, I think I accidentally deleted the funny video we took of Carmelly kitten making her fun chirpy noise at the dishtowel :(:(:( Ah well, it won't take much to get her to do it again. This time we won't have barkey in the background to be let in lol (dog was barking during the clip making it hard to hear Carmel's fun noise) I'll upload the photos to flickr later for everyone's browsing pleasure!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

mmm cookies and repotted plants

We had a good weekend, very productive. I made cookies and repotted the datura and parlour palm. Terence did the dishes and some laundry while I baked and gardened (good deal as far as I'm concerned lol, I enjoyed both of my tasks) I watered all the other plants except for the Ficus Benjamina. One thing I did forget to do was call Mom and let her know we weren't coming to town. I think she knows that now though, considering it's 8pm on sunday...

Terence and I are leveling Pld/Whm, just to 42 for me (for the teleports), and not sure how far for him maybe to 75, maybe not.

Friday, February 1, 2008

so f**king tired of it...

I really can't care less about my job these days. My manager has got to be retarded, either that or she's trying to drive me out. I work my ass off to get referrals and do a good job but of course, that's what I'm supposed to do... I miss one (1), I'll say that again, ONE name during my side-by-side and she goes off on me. I mean right goes off, asking me if I think this is McDonald's and it's just in, serve the customer, out again. How she would expect that kind of stuff from a rookie CSR and it won't be tolerated here, etc, etc. No mention of my 200% referral score, no mention of balancing to $3.00, no mention of anything else other than I missed addressing one person in 10 by their name while she was standing there.

I really can't be bothered any more. It made me incredibly discouraged and really not want to be there. There's an advert in the paper for a part-time bookkeeper. I'm seriously thinking of applying just to get away from her. I just can't win with her, if it's not one thing it's something else. And when she can't find something, she makes up stuff to yell at me for. No one else there likes her. They all think she's crazy and nasty. Ah well, on to other things...

We finished the Wings of the Goddess missions for ffxi, interesting storyline so far. I hope they hurry up and update soon! I think Binbi's going to start leathercraft as his next craft. I've got to update my spreadsheets for crafting. Not all of them are up to date. He's started fishing again, going for the Lu Shang's Rod. I bought a bunch of moat carps for him to help him on his way :)