Monday, February 18, 2008

T4s, Deer and Family Day

Mom's T4s are done. (one more thing off my long list of crap to do) Yay! I brought them up to Dryden today and had a nice visit with the family. We went to Tacotime for a bite to eat and poor Kailee didn't eat much lol. Her morning sickness is more like all-day sickness.

After Mom and Dad went to bed, I was watching TV with the lights off and was treated to a wildlife display outside the living room window. Five deer came to the feeder and snacked on the sunflower seeds while I watched in awe. I tried to snap some pictures but am not sure how they will turn out as the lighting was pretty much non-existent. We'll see though, I hope at least one or two turned out. They were very tame and allowed me to get right up close to the glass without spooking much at all. The one doe was very agressive towards the other doe and her fawn. I think there was a bit of a territorial issue going on there.

I forgot my brace for my wrist for sleeping which sucks, but I wonder if the damn thing makes it worse anyways. I don't think it fits quite right. I feel like I'm gripping it in my sleep trying to change the position of it. I'll ask them next week whether or not it needs adjusting.

I'm really getting discouraged at work. For the most part, I just really feel like I don't fit in. I try and try to have conversations with customers and my co-workers and it just never comes out right. I fumble on what to say, I speak too softly and half the time they can't hear me or don't understand. I wish I wasn't so nervous all the time. I really wish I had got that job at the NGFC. Everything happens for a reason though and I'd imagine there's a good one for me not getting it. I just can't think of one right now. Ah well. Maybe a greenhouse will open up and I'll get a job there lol. We all need our dreams though, so I'll keep that one nestled safely in the back of my thoughts where no one can dash it to pieces. Back with my garden and paludarium and my cat sanctuary. Someday...

Tomorrow is lolFamily Day. What a joke of a holiday. I lost my floater so they could create a fake holiday in the middle of the coldest month of the year. I'm so not impressed with the Government on this one. I would have rather worked and picked when I wanted my floater.

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