Friday, December 8, 2006

very tired but happy

It's been a bit since my last post, I started my new job and it's kinda eating up my time. I wasn't supposed to start until the 4th of dec, but they called me in on the 28th to start my training early. I figured why not, extra hours are good. The training is very interesting, I've always wanted to know how the inside of a bank works, the only part that creeps me out are the hold up procedures ::shivers:: I pray we never ever have to use them. I think BMO will be a fun place to work, I like both my managers and Trevor is fun. Lol, Terence thinks he's gay, but I'm pretty sure he's got a girlfriend. Not that that confirms it one way or the other though, heh. I hope I can get all my Christmas shopping done next friday, I really don't want to have to be running around the weekend after.

On a kitty note, Mephit has been especially bad this week, Terence attributes it to the full moon. I agree and think some of it might also be the fact that I'm not home during the day now. Poor little buddies are all alone for 6 hours a day now. I'd imagine that's a bit of a shock to them. Usually I'm here to take care of them and keep them entertained. Ah well, such is the way of life, the money will help out in the long run.

I replanted my little rubbery plant, the people at the UBC forums called it a pepromia scandens. I separated it into two pots by division and then took some slips to see if I could get them to root. My ficus benjamina isn't doing very good. I think I gave it a bit of a chill by the window, but hopefully something will recover out of it. I'd like to repot it but don't want to shock it any more than it already has been. Time will tell, maybe if it looks better in the spring.

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