Tuesday, January 9, 2007

happy new year!

Christmas went well, I had lots of fun with my family and friends over the holidays. Best gifts this year were a bird feeder from my dad and my power box from Terence. Now I just need a solar panel to hook it to :) (yay for free power) My job's going well, I like all my co-workers except my manager (figures) but that's ok because she travels lots.

My ficus benjamina is looking better, but I'm still not sure if I want to transplant it yet. I bought a few new plants, not sure what they all are. I might post some pics later if I can figure it out.

Mephit caught her first bird this weekend, she was sitting in, yes, you read that right, IN the bird feeder waiting for them to land lol. Needless to say, she got a tasty tweety snack right shortly. I'll have to move the feeder and mount it a bit higher to prevent it from becoming a slaughter house.

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