Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mom's Surgery, my birthday and Kailee's baby

Mom's breast reduction went well. She went from a size M to a size D. The surgery itself was a bit of an ordeal but she's now at home and on the mend. They had to open her up twice to get the wounds to drain properly. :( Poor mommy. The anesthetic made her very nauseated and she didn't eat very much for a few days. One good way to lose weight, go for an operation! They removed 8 pounds of breast and she didn't eat for 3 days so needless to say Mom's a little skinnier these days.

My birthday was fun. Terence and I went for a hike up Sioux Mountain. We had a bit of excitement while walking across the train bridge. On our way out, a train came, so we waited patiently while it crossed the bridge and then it stopped after it finished crossing. We assumed that it was done and started across the bridge. When we got about halfway across, the train started to back up! It only backed up for a few meters though luckily, so we were still ok. Scared the crap out of us though! We thought we might have to run for our lives like the kids on Stand By Me lol. Sioux Mountain is gorgeous and we'll for sure go again. The "Goat Trail" is a bit steep on the way down though so we might drive out to Hudson and see what we can find for trails on that side of the mountain instead. We met a couple with their grandkids up there that said there is another way down on the Sioux side as well, so some exploring is in order to find all the bits and pieces.

Kailee's little guy, Anthony, is doing great! Growing like a little weed, he is. He weighed over 8 pounds last week and is gaining steadily. He sleeps well and eats ALL THE TIME according to Kailee hehe.

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