Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Sigh... I went to put together my aquarium stand and one of the pegs is bent. Now I have to wait until Friday for the spare piece to come in. I hate delays! I revised my list of equipment that I need to incorporate the advice of the people on plantedtank forums. (the planted tank) That place is a mountain of knowledge, it's got advice on everything!

The more I think about my amazon river scene I'd like to create, the more I think it will work. I'm excited to see what kind of plants and aquatics I can put in it.

I watered all the plants today. The hibiscus is doing well in it's new stand. I think the one set of cuttings from it is going to root. It's got lots of little root buds and one of them has an actual little root (lol only like 1/4 of an inch long but it's there). I bought a three new ones, not sure what kind they are though. I'll do some research and then update my plant list :)

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