Tuesday, April 15, 2008

She who hesitates is lost...

Well fAck... I hummed and hawwed about buying the 29 gallon tank and someone else bought it instead. That's what I get for not making a decision. Ah well, I guess that means I'll just have to buy a bigger and better one heehehe (Terence is going to kill me ;P ) I'm going to go in and talk to the Critters Cuts and Huts lady (can't think of her name right now) on Friday when she returns from travelling. Hopefully she can help me decide on size and type of tank and we can order it in with a nice stand. I'd really like to get this project started soon after tax time is done.

Mom's statements are tentatively done. I don't think she'll want any major changes but I've got them saved so I can edit if I need to. Now on to Florence and then I can relax for a day or two and then do Mom's first quarter. Busy girl, eh?

We bought a new stand for the hibiscus as the other coffee table was already starting to bow down in the middle lol. I think this stand will hold up to it's weight, it's a nice wrought iron one with sturdy legs. I'm going to do some photography of my plants later and post them around. Spring is coming and they are all doing nicely with the added sunshine so I'd like to get some good pics while they are growing and happy.

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