Wednesday, December 19, 2007

day late and a dollar short :(

Blooming Wildflowers was sold out of the thing that I wanted. So was the two other places I checked for gifts today. I'm disappointed but it's mostly my own fault. I should have bought it when I saw it. Lesson well learned I hope. Don't leave crap to the last minute!!! Ah well, I'm just glad they were just stocking stuffer stuff and not major gifts.

I'm still classed as a spammer for and they can't figure out why lol. They're going to post my ad for me though so that's good. I hope I can get an aquarium soon! I'm excited to make a paludarium, they look so interesting. I found a whole bunch of great sites with all kinds of instructions and examples on plants and stuff to put in them. I hope I can get some of the plants listed up here in Sioux. Being so far up north sucks some times :(

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