Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The puppy....

My neighbours puppy has now crossed over from curiousity to nuisance. I went to go pick up Terence from work monday night and it ran around and around my car. I almost hit the stupid thing. Then yesterday morning, Misty hadn't been outside more than like 2 minutes and the puppy was there bugging her so she couldn't go to the bathroom. I got out the extra leash and marched the puppy home, but there was no one home to confront... I did find a crate outside their door with blankets in it. I can't believe they'd make the puppy sleep outside in winter time! I finally managed to catch one of the neighbours outside and mentioned that he should keep an eye on her or she's going to get hit by a car. He agreed but said that it wasn't his dog but he would pass on the message to the owners.

Last evening was Terence's company christmas dinner. The food was excellent and the people enjoyable, we got to sit with Lyle and his wife (I can't remember her name). Lyle's always a fun person to be with.

I need to check the plants again today and make my xmas list. Terence made his so it's time for me to stop dragging my feet!

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